How much does a pair of Ortolab insoles cost?
Between SEK 500-2200/pair depending on the type of insole.
Where can I buy your products?
Check out “BOOK A FITTING”. There, you can find a list of our partners and retailers all over in Sweden.
I have a Plantar Fasciitis. How can your insoles help me?
In cases of Plantar Fasciitis (“pain under the front of the heel”), it is important to have the support of a highly shock-absorbing material under the heel and the longitudinal arch of the foot. In addition, the orthopedic technology provides relief at the pain point. Many people try soft heel wedges, but this is not advisable as it leaves the tendon ski (Plantar Fascien) under the foot ”hanging” even more in the air without support. This increases the strain placed on the tendon sheath attachment to the heel bone, where the pain originates.
Do Ortolab insoles work with the new generation of thinner running shoes?
Because thinner shoes provide less protection against impact and lower stability, dynamic insoles are all the more important. With optimal shock absorption and extra stability close to the foot, you will be able to use lighter and thinner shoes without negatively impacting your feet.
Do Ortolab insoles alleviate pronation?
Yes, when used in a suitable shoe, the foot can be “steered” and corrected so that the pronation is kept in check at a normal level.
Can the insoles be used in high heels?
No, wearing high heels and pumps while using our insoles is usually not possible.
Can you move the insoles between different shoes?
Sure, since the insoles are adapted to your feet which are the same size and shape no matter what shoes you use. For this reason, the insoles are initially fitted for e.g. a pair of sports shoes or walking shoes and can then be transferred to most of your other shoes.
Will Ortolab insoles fit all types of shoes?
They are best used with shoes where you can remove an existing insole. But they go great with most shoes for walking, running, indoor sports and such. Boots, ski boots and knee boots also work well. For soccer shoes and ice skates, the orthopedic technician must shear the insole extra thin and narrow to fit. The insoles will not fit some slim and tight formal shoes.
How long does a pair of Ortolab insoles last?
While their exact longevity depends on how often they are moved between different shoes, they can be expected to last several years. The HGP shock absorption material is able to withstand millions of compressions without significantly losing capacity.
Can you wash the insoles?
The material in the insoles consists of “closed pores” that do not absorb moisture/sweat. Due to this, they produce minimal odor. They can be hand washed with liquid detergent.
Where does the extremely shock absorbing material HGP found in Ortolab's footbeds come from?
Ortolab imports HGP directly and exclusively from the USA. HGP is a product of NASA research and is used for shock absorption in space capsules, among other things.
Medical questions and answers
Not only are the joints and soft parts of the foot subject to heavy load at a neutral step, but the load also increases dramatically in incorrect positions. This may result in pain in the foot, lower leg, knee or even higher parts of the body. In the worst case, it can make it impossible to exercise. These potentially harmful foot positions can often be corrected by using the proper insoles. Note that moderate pronation with an inward rotation of the foot is part of the natural movement of the foot and not a misalignment as such.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: Overpronation can be counteracted to varying degrees through dynamic foot arch support like that provided by Ortolab insoles. In addition, the movement of the foot can be corrected when the insoles are sheared.
Hip and lumbar problems often stem from an incorrect foot position. For example, the problem may be due to harmful rotation caused by overpronation propagating upward in the locomotor system.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: The insoles prevent overpronation, increase shock absorption and promote a natural and correct movement pattern in the foot, which also results in a positive effect higher up in the locomotor system.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: Den ökade stötdämpningen har en lindrande effekt vid artros både i knä och höftled.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: Increased shock absorption has a positive effect on osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints.
Runners may develop problems with the iliotibial band in connection with the lateral femur epicondyle. This condition may also be aggravated by straining the foot with a certain degree of over-pronation.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: By supporting the natural shock absorption of the foot – both the heel cushion and the movement of the two foot archs – harmful over-pronation and knee strain is reduced. The choice of shoes is also important.
There are a number of possible causes of this injury. It is among the most frequent conditions triggered by overexertion. Listed below are a number of other common causes.
• Intense jumping/running exercise.
• The structure of the foot arch, incorrect foot positioning.
• Change of or incorrect type of shoe.
• Change of terrain (indoor-outdoor, grass-gravel, snow-bare ground, soft-hard, etc.).
• Too much exercise on hard ground.
• Rapid turns and sharp stops.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: The built-in cushioning of the insoles reduces the stress on the shins/lower leg. A common cause of periostitis is also over-pronation. The dynamic foot arch support of ortholab insoles can reduce much of the harmful over-pronation.
Arthritis, wear on the main joint of the big toe, is called Hallux rigidus as it causes movement restriction due to significant deposits around the edges of the joint. Symptoms: Rigidity and exertion pain in the main joint of the big toe. Most noticeable toward the end of a step. Sometimes leads to pain after exertion. Often the result of some sort of trauma, repeated or otherwise. Common in e.g. soccer players..
ORTOLAB INSOLES: The pad supports the anterior transverse foot arch and elevates the forefoot toe bone. The foot arch support (anterior) is also very important to avoid concluding the step above the compromised toe. Extra-wide shoes (possibly with outloading over the big toe joint) may also offer relief.
Hallux valgus is a condition characterized by the big toe turning crooked and the growth of a lump on the side of the joint of the toe. Hallux valgus is the most common foot deformity and occurs mainly in women. Thought to be a mainly hereditary condition, shoe selection is nevertheless of great importance. Forefoot pronation may also increase the strain on the side of the big toe joint.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: The pad supports the anterior transverse foot arch and elevates the forefoot toe bone. The foot arch support (anterior) is also very important to avoid concluding the step above the compromised toe. Extra-wide shoes (possibly with outloading over the big toe joint) may also offer relief.
The nerve between the 3rd and 4th toes can sometimes end up pinched, forming a sore nerve bundle, which may cause severe exertion injury in the form of sharp pains. The feeling is sometimes described as getting stabbed in the foot.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: The dynamic pad under the forefoot arch supports the middle toe joints and creates additional space, relieving the nerve.
The front transverse foot arch is not visible from the side, but it is located just behind the head parts of the middle foot bone. Sunken forefoot arches may cause significant pain in the forefoot when strained. Sufferers may develop hardened structures and experience foot fatigue. The metatarsal bones in the forefoot are overloaded. This can also give rise to ”Hammer toe” (the toes become excessively bent).
ORTOLAB INSOLES: Thanks to the combination of the dynamic foot arch support and the dynamic pad, the front foot arch is elevated and relieved without inhibiting the natural movement of the foot.
In this condition, the transverse arch has lost its original shape and given in. As a result, the biomechanical shock absorption of the foot does not function properly, which may lead to inflammation and a host of other problems in the foot as the bone structure, muscles, tendons and such are displaced.
ORTOLAB FOTBÄDDEN: Genom att ge ett dynamiskt stöd till det längsgående fotvalvet återskapar Ortolab fotbädden valvets form och funktion, utan att låsa den naturliga rörelsen. Kan därigenom även minska problem med överpronation.
Conditions involving the Achilles tendon are usually caused by overexertion and may cause pain, swelling and tenderness in connection with the tendon. Overexertion injuries mainly occur in exercise and sports activities involving extensive running and jumping.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: May help by supporting and relieving the entire locomotor complex of the foot, particularly through the dynamic support in both the longitudinal and transverse foot arch.
In this condition, the cushion of fat underneath the heel has been blown out, losing its elasticity. The heel bone becomes too exposed to bumps in the footfall, causing pain.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: The exceedingly shock-absorbing HGP material under the heel and the cup shape that holds the sides of the heel together are able to restore the function of the heel cushion.
In Plantar Fasciitis, the precursor to heel spur, the pain can either come suddenly or gradually and often begins under the heel at a point on the front of the heel. The pain may extend to the center of the longitudinal foot arch and to the back of the ankle. The first sign of the condition is that it hurts when you take your first steps in the morning or after rest. Initially an overload injury, it is most common in feet with high archs, due to the greater chronic strain on the tendon.
ORTOLAB INSOLES: The extremely shock-absorbing HGP material supports and cushions the entire foot, particularly the longitudinal foot arch. In this way, it reduces the load where the Plantar Fasciian (the tendon that forms the foot arch) attaches to the heel bone. In addition, our orthopedic technology is often also able to provide relief at the point of pain.